Denny Ridge Trail - 3/4 Mile (Moderate to Strenuous)
This trail lets you appreciate the wild terrain that makes up a good part of Bent Tree. Though relatively short, it’s a difficult trail. Prone to leaf build-up and best in dry weather, it is not recommended for anyone who is not surefooted or has vision problems. For hardier hikers, however, it is invigorating and has many rewards. It is cool in summer, spectacular in fall and beautiful in spring when the abundant mountain laurel blooms. To reach the Denny Ridge Trail, turn off Tamarack Drive onto Denny Ridge Road and go 1.1 miles. The trail marker will be on your right, where a footbridge crosses a narrow stream. There is a small parking area. The trail is marked with white stakes and white treeblazes. Cross the bridge at the rapids and you have a good view of a long, lovely waterfall. A moderate uphill climb ends at a bench with a fine view of the falls. Some may make this their destination. Beyond, a strenuous rock-climb leads to the top of the falls. Strategically placed benches provide welcome opportunities to catch one’s breath, enjoy views of the falls and rock formations and feel you are truly alone in a wilderness. You have two options for fording the stream, a log and abundant stepping stones. Then take the lower route, marked with white stakes and tree blazes, to the top of the ridge. You’ll find a bench at the highest point. The hike down from here is moderate to easy. You come out on Denny Ridge Road, just down the hill from the parking area where the trail begins.