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Wild animals are not pets; respect their wildness. Feeding wild animals may seem like the caring thing to do, especially in harsh weather.  But there are many reasons why it is a bad idea and actually does a lot more harm than good.  
  • Habituation to Humans  -  However cute they may seem, deer, bear, and other critters are still wild animals. A wild animal that loses its fear of humans quickly becomes a nuisance or danger and it will be put down.  This is very serious!  Bears who approach humans for food will kill or be killed, and the blame is squarely on those who feed them. Be Bearwise!
  • Congregation – feeding them causes animals to spend more time in close proximity than they would normally. Assembling increases the chances of spreading infectious diseases and fighting amongst themselves.
  • Poor Nutrition -  Human food does not satisfy the  nutritional needs of wildlife. Some human food is even toxic, such as bread and corn to deer.    READ MORE HERE  
  • Loss of instincts – Animals that are fed can lose their desire to hunt and forage. A wild animal that cannot find its own food in the wild will not survive.
  • Increase in non-target species –  outside food will not only draw the animals you want but can attract others such as rodents
Bent Tree has a strict policy against feeding wildlife (with an exception for birds in the winter on private property). See the full policy on page 13 of the Rules and Regulations. Fines are $100 for the first infraction and $500 for subsequent infractions.

The best way to enjoy local wildlife is at a distance. Learn about their habitat needs. Plant more native plants and fight invasive plants which crown out natives and do not support wildlife. Leave snags and fallen trees when they are not a danger.  Support L&W natural habitat areas around the community to increase natural food options.